Friday, March 15, 2013

Blah Week

Well, on weigh-in eve...I know it has not been a successful week.  I have been hungry and I have drank too many Dr. Peppers.  I could blame it on lots of craziness in my life (school, home, etc) but I'm not.  I'm owning it.  I made the poor choices.  One good choice I made was the sign up to participate in a Corporate Fitness Challenge with some people from work at a local gym.  I'm not sure of the details.  But I do know we get points for going to the gym and we get to go to this particular gym for free during the challenge.  I'm hoping this will get my butt moving :-)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 4

Week 4
Grand Total: -11.6

Ok, Ok, I know that my wonderful stomach bug played a big part in this weeks weight loss.  But, I am trying very hard to keep it off.  This weekend has been a challenge with eating out like a crazy person.  Well, not too horrible....but it is eating out.  I had grilled chicken at Chickfila and a sub from Subway.  Tonight, I'm cooking dinner!  YAY!

Enjoy your day with one less hour :-)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stomach Bug...BLAH!

So, shortly after my last post...where I was feeling great...I CAUGHT THE STOMACH BUG!  UGH!  What a miserable thing. I woke up Wednesday morning, had breakfast, played with the boys, and then it hit.  YIKES! was double the trouble :-)  Jeremy came home from work and it hit him too.  The boys haven't gotten sick...yet.  Fingers crossed they don't.  David went to my parents house for the night...thank goodness.  Nicholas is pretty he was good to go.

Today, I have showered, eaten some soup, and now I'm sipping some tea....I think I'm almost back to myself 

Stay away from the stomach bug!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mid-Week Thoughts

This has been a good week so far.  Yes, it is only Tuesday night.  But it has still been a good week.  We have had good dinners for the last three nights.  I haven't drink very many sodas.  We have played volleyball two nights...which means I have had two good sweats :-)  For those of you that know me...know that I can SWEAT!  hahaha!  I haven't had any headaches.  My drainage/sinus blah is clearing up.  YAY!

I haven't looked at the scale.  But I feel good.  That IS half of the battle...right?

Snow - that is on the thoughts of everyone around here.  But all we have right now is rain.  Oh, well.  The challenge will be not eating everything in sight if we are home tomorrow.

Time to go cheer on my HOKIES. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Week 3 and sickness

Week 3 is done and I am down .6 pounds.  That is a total of 7 pounds. Not great, but not bad.  I have been absent on here because we have a had 2 weeks of sickness.  It started off with a cold at the end of last week with David.  He was nice enough to share it with me.  He then got "sick", which was nasty and we stayed home Thursday from school.  Which was desperately needed since I could hardly talk and he slept almost 8 hours!  And then slept all night!  I will post more soon, but for now we are just chilling :-)